the doctors are out

It may be cliche to pick on the show, the Doctors, because it is like shooting fish in a barrel. Its just when they say on their show the exact opposite of what they preach 90% of the time it presents a level of hypocrisy that is difficult to resist mocking. Ill just let the videos do most of the talking. Vani Hari, the foodbabe guest stars on their show. Here is the first video: Cooking meat causes illness. They straight out say this as a fact in this video. One of the doctors on the show then says he grills, but at a low temperature. I feel like that is the equivalent of saying "I smoke cigarettes, but when I do I use a filter". Moderation people haha Let's be measured in how we kill ourselves. And, then they even end the segment by saying "In an ideal world we should just eat raw fruits and vegetables". We could all live in that ideal world. Wouldn't you want to live in an IDEAL world? Your personal choices are the only thing stopping you from that being a reality.

The second video: Right, off the bat the doctors suggest a food system where colors show red, yellow, and green on the label to indicate safety and health to you about the food. If you can see the stupidity of an idea where a company would ever produce a product with a red label then one might realize there is already a food that has this very system placed in it already. Fruits! They change their color to show when they are ripe and safe to eat; And, when they are past ripe. There is no label! No reading involved! Quick, painless, stressfree, parent-friendly decision making wrapped in a neat little package. You see that fruit from a distance. Its color looks appetizing, so you eat it. That is a system nature already figured out and has made available to you.

The Doctors, a great example of mindless television. They don't even realize when they contradict themselves in the same TV segment.


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