as the world burns
Take a look at these definitions.
Humane-having or showing compassion or benevolence
Slaughter-the killing of animals for food.
They seem kinda like polar opposites. How can you have compassion when you are killing? Well, its called cognitive dissonance. It is the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change. I imagine an ancient samurai warrior probably believed in humane slaughter when he disemboweled his enemies.
Here are the two words together:
Humane slaughter-an animal must be either killed instantly or rendered insensible to pain until death supervenes'. When killing animals for food (termed slaughter), this means they must be stunned prior to bleeding out so they immediately become unconscious. And, I am sure the industry has really solid ways of confirming they have rendered an animal unconcious before they slit its throat.
Anyways, I thought this video was a good place to start when learning the truth about what the meat industry looks like on the inside (pun intended): 10 billion lives
These other videos I found from watching that first video. I think they are actually serious and meant to promote the industry. I find them really sad. I feel bad for the animals and the cruelty of their suffering. The farms are apparently the best of the industry. good ole fashioned slaughter rascaly rabbits we are duck pride I am oysters goats
Nothing humane after happens in a place called "A Slaughter House".
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