We are getting to a place in this country where chronic disease has become a household word. I think its more common for someone to have a chronic illness today then ever before. And our medical community is less concerned with curing chronic illness then with accomodating it. More money is spent in this country on obesity, diabetes, parkinsons, multiple sclerosis, lupus, cancer, fibromyalgia, aids, heart disease, depression, ADHD, autism then ever before. It is one of the largest industries in the US. Jobs would be lost by the 1000s if we all got healthier. We as a country are getting sicker. It is a quiet epidemic because those of us who are sick live in fear of being upfront about it out of feaf of being judged and socially ostracized. I can't live in fear anymore. I choose to out myself before I pay the price again for remaining silent about my illness.
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