cancer is just neoplasia

As you can see from the chart below neoplasia is the technical term for cancerous growth. No different from hyperplasia or anaplasia. A cancer is just a different type of cellular growth. It is not a foreign invader or something to be attacked or removed from the body, but something to be understood. For example, Barret’s esophagus is a type of dysplasia that can form when cells respond to continuous assault of acid from the stomach’s acid reflux. This dysplsia can eventual become cancer. Is that neoplasia just a further evolution from the dysplasia and response of the body to that same acidic stimulus.

Instead of asking what is cancer? or how do we defeat/fight cancer, a better question would be “why is cancer?”. Our bodies are so intelligent that they would never do something that could harm us. Their goal is to protect us. As it is our body is the only thing on Earth with a vested interest in our survival. If we go down our body goes down with us. When we choose to fight ourselves we will always lose even if we win. For those that say they beat cancer who did you really beat? Your self is the answer. Shadowboxing at its best.


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