ether of many

after your hair turns grey, you lose all your hair, your vision becomes blind, you can’t walk, you struggle to move your arms, your head slumps to your chest, sleep avoids you, happiness alludes you, you avoid people, you smell like a death no detomrant can cover up, your tears fail to fall, your breath stinks of necrotic tissue waste, your skin turns pale and cracks, your veins swell and bulge out of your skin, you struggle to breath, you can’t hear your own voice, when your blood pressure spikes while your heart rate slows and strains to pump, lungs collapse in on themselves, peristalsis fails, constipation is all consuming in the body, stagnation of fluids, edema, acidosis of the blood, in final moments you finally accept your fate and realize too late it was you the whole time, you wanted this, you needed it, addiction always ends one way or another


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