Sexy sexism
The hypocrisy of this article is sexism! The author blames the moral unfairness in how industry treats the two sexes for "When it comes to contraception, medicine is clearly biased towards men". It is the Sexism of the medical establishment and pharmaceutical industrial complex because of a sexual favoritism towards men. The article states "Because 20 men weren’t happy, the entire trial has been halted." Sounds like the author is suggesting the decision was sexist as "How sad for these poor men – they couldn’t handle the side effects that so many women have to deal with every day just to avoid an unwanted pregnancy. Women have had to bear the responsibility of contraception since the pill was first launched in 1962 – and all of the side effects that go along with it" to emphasize that point. What is the hypocrisy the author is claiming if not sexism in the industry of birth control? According to the author women have had the unsafe pill forced on them while men are saved from it despite "more than 75 per cent said they would happily use" it in the trial. The article is about sexism. Sexism of an industry run by men towards women.
I do believe the majority of women have been complacent in using the pill because there was an illusion of trust that industry had their best interests at heart. Turns out thats not true. It is a greed driven industry without a moral compass towards either gender. I think its easier to allude to sexism directing attention away from the real enemy, a corrupt and moral-less industry, to the injustice of birth control directed towards women in contrast to men. It would be so much better to point out how unjust it is equally to both sexes; to people. The male pill is the answer to how to exploit both genders equally. Not a way of passing the burden of responibilty to birth control from woman to man. It will eventually happen tho because the public out of ignorance! Either sexes receiving hormone based birth control is a flawed science propelled by greed and moral bankruptcy. You will not find a story like that tho cuz you cant get clicks on an article about sex unless one gender has been made out to be the villain. This author is one of them. The corrupted masses. She seeks to divide and conquer us with her imflammatory words.
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