“It is because the body is a machine that education is possible. Education is the formation of habits, a superinducing of an artificial organization upon the natural organization of the body.”
~Thomas Henry Huxley, 19th century english physician
~Thomas Henry Huxley, 19th century english physician
My father had Multiple Sclerosis (MS) before I was born. When I got my first clinically isolated symptom (CIS) he new what it was. I knew too. When I was diagnosed a year later with MS I was not in shock. I almost expected it as the son of an MS person. However, that did not make it any easier. I dealt with it in a way any normal kid would. Putting my head in the ground and living my life as I was. Don’t make the same mistake I did. It has only been through my own ambition, perseverance and research that I have learned my body is not the enemy. Education is the key to fighting all disease. Understand your illness and the truth to health and wellness may be closer than you realize.
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